Thursday 13 February 2014

Keeping Healthy Pregnancy

Having a baby is born healthy of course be the desire of every pregnant women , to get it of course you should try to always keep your content . for those of you who are pregnant , you have to perform a lot of things that can make your prospective baby will be born healthy and grow up to be a smart kid . For this you can follow the tips to keep the content of pregnant women to get the baby born to a healthy following .Tips to keep pregnancy
The health of a pregnant woman has turned out to be a very large effect on the candidate of their children. Therefore if you want your baby is born healthy , you also need to maintain the health of your body . The following are some tips to keep and maintain the health of your pregnancy and the baby. 

1.konsumsi nutritious foods
By the time a woman is pregnant , then the nutritious food is the most important factor to determine the health of the fetus inside the womb . If you are pregnant then you are enjoined to consume nutritious food , full of nutrients needed by pregnant women . You can consume food sepertisayur green vegetables , fruits , and pregnant women and as a supplement to consume milk of pregnant women , although not mandatory . 

2.Lakukan sportsFor a pregnant woman does not mean they should not exercise. Exercise for pregnant women are also needed for the health of the fetus , because the exercise fetus in the womb will be more relaxs and they will grow healthy . For pregnant women exercise itself may indeed be a little different from the ordinary people . For pregnant women you can melakuakan some sports, such as gymnastics pregnant women , yoga and even run a small run in the plant slowly . 
3.Istirahat enough
For a pregnant woman had to be much more rested , after melakuakn some activity then you can rest for a further relaxation of mind and body that has been exhausted . A pregnant woman should take a lot of time to rest , because the impact would be very dangerous for a mother amyl ang too much activity and too tired . 

4.Perhatikan environmentFor pregnant women usually they are very sensitive , easily tired , prone to several diseases and others . To overcome this , and of course also to make an expectant mother and the unborn baby in a healthy , then the environment must also be in perhatiakan . Environment tends to one of the factors that can cause a person's health , then it must also be in perhataikan for pregnant women , because the impact will be felt by the fetus inside the womb as well . 
5.Biasakan to Control doctorFor tips on keeping your next pregnancy is by frequent mengontol condition of pregnancy , antenatal care so that you control with your pregnancy , then you can find out about the progress of your pregnancy . dokterpun will provide specific guidance for you so that you will get your baby 's health and also would be very awake .
Well if you 're mengandunga , then tips to keep the pregnancy has been mentioned and described above you can use as your benchmark . sjaa every pregnant woman would want everything best for the fetus , therefore you should really keep your body so kesehtan fetus in your stomach will be born healthy .

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