Thursday 13 February 2014

How Long can Sperm Live in the Uterus Women?

The answer depends on many variables , both from a metabolic composition ( quality ) of sperm , vaginal environment ( body temperature , level of acidity ( pH ) , the presence of cervical mucus / cm , the quality of cervical mucus , the sperm 's ability to swim forward channel from the vagina to the egg cell , and the presence of sperm antibodies in the woman's body . in ideal conditions , sperm can live between 3-6 days . in many cases , several factors can reduce the lifespan of sperm .Sperm are very small , invisible to the naked eye , and the trip had to do with human comparable to swim from Los Angeles to Hawaii . Not an easy trip , compared to the distance away with a very microscopic size . The journey begins from the male - it took several months for sperm to develop and mature . To improve the health and development of normal sperm , the adequacy of nutrients and antioxidants are extremely vital . Healthy lifestyle , avoiding habits that aggravate conditions such as smoking and alcohol sperm , it is important to create sperm cells are strong for its weight can wade trip later .When men experience peak penetration and ejaculation , the sperm will enter into a woman's vagina . The journey continues , the sperm swim through the uterus with the help of the cervical mucus in a woman's uterus , and continue to move towards the egg channel . If he does not immediately arrive there in a few hours , most will end up dead .In the long journey , much sperm run out of energy or a swim in the wrong direction , or go into an empty egg cell line ( which does not currently contain a mature egg - because the female egg cell line there are two ) . In some cases , sperm even neutralized by antibodies or by the cervical mucus of women who " hostile " ( anti- sperm ) .If the cervical mucus of women there and good , old sperm will be longer . Cervical mucus is an important part of the process of pregnancy . Cervical mucus ( CM / Cervical Mucus ) protects sperm from acid ( acidity ) of the vagina . Acid vaginal environment can stop the movement of sperm . Cervical mucus produced by the body to protect the sperm from the acid . Cervical mucus also helps sperm swim remedy of the uterus into the fallopian tubes to reach the egg . Good cervical mucus also can detect abnormal sperm and prevents them from reaching the eggs . FertileCM help improve the quantity and quality of cervical mucus helps the sperm is good for performing their duties .If the sperm are lucky , he gets into the right oviduct , at the right time when women are most fertile conditions , mature eggs , and fertilization can occur . But if there are no eggs mature , they have to wait around the time of ovulation , when an egg falls . In some cases , healthy sperm can survive in the uterus about 3 days . Can be up to 5 days in the sperm of a very strong and healthy , but rarely .Of the millions of sperm that started the journey , only a few swimmers who excel are agile and able to succeed . This is why time relationship at the right time is very important to increase your chances of getting pregnant . At one time , the sperm will survive swimming in the fallopian tube waiting for the presence of mature eggs . If eggs are present , a single sperm is still alive and energized enough to approach the egg and penetrate to fertilize it . This conception will develop into an embryo . Then , 5 to 6 days later , he was ready to " move " and attached to the uterine wall . When the fertilized embryo implantation in the wall of the uterus - congratulations , you are pregnant , you may not even realize it . Sperm journey has ended . When fetal development , nutrients such as folic acid and vitamin completeness is essential for the formation of fetal well , especially its nervous system . Make sure not to deficient mothers .As we have seen , sperm health can not be ignored . More and more , stronger and more stamina healthy sperm cells , the more likely the couple to conceive . In 2006 , clinical studies have been conducted on fertility supplement , FertilAid for Men . This study focused on men who have abnormal sperm parameters . The study results revealed that this supplement provides a significant increase in the number and motility of sperm . The results were published in the Journal of Andrology by the American Society of Andrology

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